The Return of Binary Bard

~ Curious Grape’s story A.K.A. Michael ~

There once was a Poptropican who was not special in any way. He was 9 years old, had black hair, eyes that were sky-blue, he went to school at PS 101 at shrink ray island, he lived at a tower in one of the Poptropica towers on early Poptropica island, his best friends were C.J. and Ned Noodlehead from super power island, and his name was Curious Grape. The only special thing about him was that he used to be in his school’s technology/chemistry club.
One day, Grape went to C.J.’s house after school to help her create her latest invention, a cloning device. He was pretty excited about it, because he thought they’d be rich, since C.J. said they could make the clone do anything they wanted if we added it to their programming, so they could sell robot servants. And, unlike where we live, Poptropica has no cloning devices, and the president of Poptropica said that he would make cloning humans Poptropicans legal if it existed. They were just about finished when C.J. said that they needed an energy source more powerful than Poptropica’s sun, so Grape thought that their chances of getting rich were ruined, since the only energy source that big belonged to the Binary Bard, and he lives in another galaxy, so they could never get to him.
At 3:00 Grape and C.J. went to see Ned Noodlehead at the comic shop. They read some comics, played some checkers, fought a few copy cats (One of her copies got out and made more copies), read some more comics (Ned had quite a few of them), and then got ready to go home. But just as they were about to leave, Ned said, “I heard you need an energy source to get rich.”
“Yeah. We do,” Grape and C.J. responded.
“Well I think I know where you can get one.”
Grape’s eyes widened. “You do?” He said in disbelief.
“Just take a look at this newspaper.”
Ned handed him the newspaper and Grape read aloud, “Scientist discovers two identical maps to jewel that came from the galaxy of the Binary Bard, has five hundred trillion as much energy as the sun, and is worth 8 hundred trillion dollars. The maps will be given to the highest bidder at Saturday’s auction.”
“This is awesome!” said Ned. “We could be rich!”
“That sounds interesting,” Grape said. “But I really need to get home by dinner or my parents will start worrying.”
“Me too,” Said C.J.”But we can talk about it tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Ned said with a sigh. “See you tomorrow.”
The next day was Saturday, so Grape had the day off from school. It was 8:30 A.M. “RIINNGG!” went his alarm clock. “Huh?” Grape said, sleepy. “Just ten more minutes…” He pressed the snooze button. “RRIIIINNNGGG!” It went. “Huh?” he asked. He pressed the snooze button again. It rang louder. “Another faulty alarm clock?!” He said, grumpily. He pressed the off button instead of the snooze button. The ringing got even louder. “Stupid alarm clock!” He said as he took a hammer off a shelf. He slammed the hammer onto the alarm clock to break it and stop the ringing. “That’s the 48th faulty alarm clock she’s made! When is C.J. going to make a working alarm clock?!” he said angrily.
He went to his closet to change out of his pajamas. Once he was dressed, he found a note he wrote to himself to talk to Ned and C.J. about the cloning device. So he went to the comic shop to find C.J. and Ned waiting outside for him. “You made another faulty alarm clock,” he said as he walked up to C.J.
“Again?!” she asked. “Yep,” Grape answered. “Hey, guys, let’s go inside. They just shrugged and went inside. “So, how are we gonna get that jewel?” Ned asked the others.
“We don’t know!” said Grape. “Why did we even plan to do this? Only rich people can afford one of those maps! I thought that we were gonna talk about getting a different energy source!”
“I didn’t think about that…” Said Ned.
“Wait!” said C.J. Grape and Ned looked at her.
C.J. took out of her backpack (Which Grape had not noticed) a large piece of paper. “I was up all night making this plan!” she said.
She pointed to a picture of Gretchen Grimlock at the auction. “Gretchen Grimlock is the richest and greediest person in Poptropica  the most likely person to win both the maps,” She pointed to a picture of a piece of paper on a conveyor belt to an incinerator. “She’s also one of the most predictable people in Poptropica  She’s most likely to use her disintegrator to destroy one of the maps so that nobody can steal it from her and try to get the jewel themselves.” She pointed to a picture of herself shooting a laser at a control panel. “She has an incinerator?” asked Grape. “Rich people have everything,” C.J. answered. “We can use a piece of rope from kitty’s kites tied to ourselves and someone holding the other end to fall down her chimney without falling. Gretchen should be asleep by the time we get there. She has one of the slowest conveyor belts in Poptropica  so we should have plenty of time. Once we get into the house, we’ll go into the hall with the room with the incinerator, although the incinerator is guarded with hundreds of security lasers, so we can’t get to the incinerator. But lasers can’t track other lasers, so we can use my shrink ray to shrink the wires in one of the laser shooters, making it too small for the computer’s signals to travel through it. The laser will go out, causing a chain reaction, making all the other lasers go out. Then we sneak in and take the map, look inside it and then try to get to the jewel before Grimlock does.”
There was silence, and then Ned and Grape said together, “You’re BRILLIANT!”
C.J. blushed. “Thank you!” She responded. “So, if that’s the plan, then we’ll be leaving at…” She took a calculator out of her backpack and started dialing. Then she looked at her watch. “… 7:30 P.M.” She continued. “And I think that we should disguise Ned as room service so that he can place a hidden camera that Grape and I made to find out when she goes to sleep and how long we’ll have until the map is incinerated.” Grape and Ned both agreed so two hours later they went to the apartment where she lives, and if you’ve seen a 50 foot tall building, then you know what it looks like. They went in.

Ned rang the bell on the counter.
“Hello, how can I help you?” asked the person behind the counter.
“I’m here to apply for room service,” Ned answered.
“Oh, good, Gretchen Grimlock needs you to deliver her some lunch,” The person behind the counter said as he handed Ned a lunch box. “She lives on room 4, floor 6. So Ned took the elevator up to floor 6 and walked to room 4 and knocked on the door.
“Room service!” He said.
“Finally!” Gretchen responded.
So Ned went in and put the lunchbox on a table, and while Gretchen wasn’t looking, he put a camouflage camera in a potted plant. So he left the room and went back to the ground floor and told the person behind the counter, “I quit.”
“You quit? But you haven’t even served 2 people!”
“I know,” He answered.
So Ned went outside to meet Grape and C.J. waiting for him.
“So… what do we do now?” Ned asked.
“We wait till tomorrow’s auction, I guess,” Said C.J.

The next day…
Grape, Ned, and C.J. were at the cryptids island auction house waiting for Grimlock to win the maps.
The auctioneer was talking fast the whole time, and this is how it went:
“Okay, Okay! The price starts at 50,000 dollars, anyone got 50,000 dollars?”
“50,000!” Said someone in the crowd.
“70,000!” Said Grimlock.
“70,000, going once, going twice, going-” said the auctioneer until he was interrupted.
“100,000!” Said someone else.
“300,000!” said Gretchen.
“500,000!” Said somebody else.
“800,000!” Said Gretchen.
“1 Million!” Said someone else.
Gretchen looked annoyed. “700 Million!” She yelled.
Everyone in the room gasped.
“1 Billion!” Somebody else yelled.
“400 Billion!” Yelled Gretchen.
“450 Billion!” Yelled someone else.
Now Grimlock looked really angry. If being annoyed could kill, then everyone in Poptropica would be dead.
“950 Trillion!!!” Screamed Gretchen.
Everybody, including the auctioneer, gasped and there was complete silence, so quiet that you could hear the flutter of butterfly’s wings, until the auctioneer said, “950 Trillion, going once, going twice, going three times, and, SOLD! To Gretchen Grimlock!”
So Gretchen gave the auctioneer about 300 suitcases full of money and left with the two maps, not knowing that C.J., Grape, and Ned were following her.
That Night…
“So how long have we got left?” Ned asked C.J.
“We have…” Said C.J. She looked at her cell phone. “About 45 minutes.”
They were outside the apartment where Grimlock lived.
“Oh, bad news, guys,” Said C.J. “Gretchen doesn’t have a fireplace. I thought this was an apartment that has a chimney. We’re gonna need a new plan.”

Here is the next part:
Then they saw the people who worked there leave at that moment.
“Sorry, if you want to come in, you’ll have to come in tomorrow,” Said someone.
“And there goes our last chance to even GET to the top in the first place,” Said Grape.
Then, as the janitor walked out, he said, “I need to use the bathroom!” and he put down his toilet plunger and walked into a port-a-potty.
Then Grape saw a b-b gun lying on the ground. He had an idea.
“C.J…” He said, “Do you have your toolbox with you?”
“I never leave home without it,” Said C.J. as she took a toolbox out of her backpack and handed it to Grape. Grape started taking parts out of the BB gun and replaced them with new ones, and then he asked, “Can I borrow that rope?”
“Sure,” Said Ned as he handed Grape the rope from their original plan.
Grape picked up the toilet plunger and tied the rope to it. Then he tied the other end of the rope to something inside the BB gun, and then he stuffed the toilet plunger into the BB gun, and pointed it at the apartment.
“Which room?” He asked Ned.
“Room 4, floor 6,” Said Ned.
Grape looked around for a window labeled “Room 4, Floor 6.” When he found it, He shot the toilet plunger right next to the window.
“Good idea!” Ned and C.J. said together.
“Let’s get climbing,” said Grape.
So they started climbing the rope until they were right next to the window.
“Okay, so how do we get in? The window’s locked,” Said C.J.
Ned saw a paper clip on the window ledge.
“I have an idea…” Said Ned. He was the only one who knew how to pick locks, so he picked up the paper clip and got ready to pick a lock, only to see that the lock was part of the window and had 3 holes in it, each of them next to another of the 3 holes. “Um…” He said. He picked the hole on the left. When he was finished picking it, the window fell right out of the hole in the wall, nearly hitting the port-a-potty.
“I don’t think that was the correct hole,” said Ned.
“You think?” Grape said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

They crawled into the window and saw thousands of lasers everywhere.
C.J. took a shrink ray out of her backpack and shot a wire on one of the lasers, and just as she said, all the lasers went out.
They went inside and took the map off the conveyor belt.
“Who goes there?” said someone.
They looked around, but did not see anyone. Then they saw a light in the darkness, and they saw that the light came from a security guard-looking guy with a helmet who was muscular and had a flashlight.
“Get ‘em!” He said then they saw more people who looked just like him. Then they all ran at Ned, C.J., and Grape.
“Shrink them! They can’t hurt us if they’re tiny!” Ned told C.J.
As C.J. was turning on her shrink ray, one of the security guards threw a rock at the shrink ray, knocking it out of her hand.
“RUN!” Said C.J. As they were about to climb out the window, Grape said, “Wait! We forgot the map!” They looked around to see the map lying on the floor behind the security guards.
“What do we do? We can’t get around the guards!” Said Ned.
“Don’t worry, I have a plan,” Said C.J.
C.J. took a remote control with a screen out of her backpack and started pushing buttons and pulling switches until they saw that the camera that Ned had put in a potted plant had sprouted wheels and driven over to the map.
“You’re a genius!” Said Ned and Grape together.
C.J. ignored them and kept pushing buttons.
The camera sprouted a tube that could bend and had two flat, one inch long fingers on the end from the top of the camera.
It bent the tube over to the map and used the fingers to pick up the map and go, very slowly, under the guards’ legs.
“Hey, that thing’s getting away with the map!” said one of the guards. “Get it!”
The guards ran after the camera, but then the camera went on high speed and went to the window, and a spring sprung out of the bottom of the camera and it bounced out the window, and then an uncapped grenade came out of the window. “It’s gonna blow!” said Grape.
C.J. rolled her eyes and gave them some hazmat helmets and said, “Put these on.”
So Ned, C.J. and Grape put on the Hazmat helmets, and instead of the grenade blowing up, a green and purple smoke came from it, and when it cleared, the guards were asleep.
“You can take the helmets off now,” said C.J., taking her own off.
So Ned and Grape took off their helmets and Ned asked C.J., “How did you do that?”
“Sleep gas,” She answered.
So they crawled out of the window and climbed down the rope, and C.J. used the remote to make the camera let go of the map, she turned the camera off, and put it and the remote in her backpack. Then they took the map to The comic shop and opened it up.
Okay, Now I need you guys to give me advice. Where should the quest for the jewel begin? I already have an Idea, but I wanna know if anyone else has a better idea!

Okay, here is the next part:
“Okay, it says here that we have to go to… someplace called Nabooti Island,” said C.J.
“Nabooti Island?” asked Grape. “I’ve been there once,”
“Well, let’s go!” Said Ned.
So they got in the blimp and headed to Nabooti Island.
“Okay, now, it wants us to go to some diamond mine,” Said C.J.
They saw a man at a plane who was yelling, “Free plane rides! Fly anywhere, from the sphinx to the diamond mine!”
“Hey, that sounds like it could get us to the diamond mine!” Said Grape.
So they went over to the guy and C.J. said, “Can you take us to the diamond mine?”
“Yep,” He answered.
So they got in the plane and the man flew to the diamond mine and they got out, and when they were about to enter the mine, someone said, “Sorry, You need to have a hard hat to enter,”
“Well, what do we do now?” Asked C.J.
“Well, I’ve been to this mine before, and it has a second entrance, too,” Answered Grape.
“You do? Where?” asked Ned.
“At the top of that cliff,” Grape said pointing to the cliff that the entrance of the mine that they were at.
“How do we get up there?” Asked Ned.
“I’ve got a plan,” Said C.J.
She took a remote out of her back pack, and pressed a button, and the thing you see on top of a helicopter sprouted out of her backpack, first as a black stick, but two pieces flipped down and started spinning, until she was hovering 2 feet off the ground.
“Grab on,” said C.J., as she put out both her hands.
So Ned and Grape both grabbed one of her hands and they flew to the top of the cliff and Grape said, “You really are prepared for anything,”
They saw a conveyor belt leading carts of explosives into the mine.
“That’s the entrance,” Said Grape.
They went inside and saw a silhouette of someone who looked familiar.
“Hello? Who’s there?” Asked Ned.
C.J. took a flashlight and shone it on the silhouette and saw who it was.
“Grimlock?!” exclaimed Grape

Hello, and if you are reading this, you have no life! Just kidding! :lol: Anyway, here is the next part:
“Hm?” Gretchen asked, turning around, and they saw that she had a pilot-looking guy with her.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” Asked Grimlock.
“Um…” Said Grape, “We’re here to apply for a job here… Do you know where we can apply?”
“Yeah, just take the tunnel to the left,” Said the pilot-looking guy.
So they went to the tunnel to the left and hid right next to the entrance.
“What was that?” asked Ned.
“She must’ve not known that we had the map, so I made sure she didn’t suspect us,” answered Grape.
“Good idea,” said C.J.
“Okay, now we need to catch up or she’ll get the jewel first,” Said Ned.
“Yeah, if we stay in the darkness and perfectly silent, then she won’t notice us,” Said C.J.
“Okay, let me open up the map…” Said Ned.
“Why? We can just follow her,” Said C.J.
So they went down the other path, keeping silent and in the shadows, and they heard Grimlock and the pilot-looking guy talking to each other.
“That was close! They might’ve followed us to the jewel!” Said a voice they recognized to be the pilot-looking guy.
“Yes, good thing they were just looking for a job, but why did they say my name like that?” That was Grimlock.
“I dunno. Why are you asking me?” said the Pilot-looking guy.
“Meh,” Said Gretchen.
Ned stepped on a rock accidently and that made a loud cracking noise.
“Who goes there?!” exclaimed Gretchen, turning around and shining her flashlight on them. Grimlock saw the map hanging out of Ned’s pocket.
“You’re the ones who stole the map!” Exclaimed Grimlock angrily.
“How did you know the map was stolen?!” asked Ned.
“The security guards told us,” said the pilot-looking guy.
“GET THEM AND GET THE MAP!!” screamed Gretchen.
The group ran past Gretchen and the pilot-looking guy and saw 2 empty mine carts on railroad tracks that start on ground and then after about 3 feet go of a canyon that is 215 feet long, 100 feet deep, and 65 feet wide, and both tracks are right next to each other. They pushed the cart on the left onto the track and hopped in, the cart started moving on the track, and Grimlock and the Pilot-looking guy hopped into the other one. But then they realized something about the canyon. After about 10 feet deep, it was filled with hot, boiling, lava.

Then Grape saw that, on a certain part of their track, the whole left side was missing.
“Lean Right!” Screamed Grape.
They all leaned right and the cart was balancing on the right side for about 10 seconds until they got to another part that was full.
C.J. got the map out of her backpack.
“Okay, we’re about to come to a…” She said, “Loop?”
“Loop?” Asked Grape, “How can there be a loop in a mine cart track?”
Just then, chains came out of the railroad and wrapped around the holes in their tires. Then, they saw the kind of loop you see in a roller coaster, except when you were upside-down, instead of twisting again to make you right-side-up, it just turns around so you are going in the same direction, except upside-down.
So they went, and as they went upside-down, they fell out, but Ned was fast enough to catch hold of the edge of the cart with one hand, C.J. was fast enough to grab hold of Ned’s other hand, which was hanging down, and Grape was fast enough to catch hold of C.J.’s foot.
“Don’t worry, guys,” C.J. Said, as the helicopter thing sprouted out of her backpack, but before it started spinning, a stalactite fell and wrecked it.
But at that moment they came across another loop that made them right-side up, now Grape was sliding across the metal with his the ends of his feet put together, since there were no boards, just metal and he was upside-down, Grape was also holding onto
C.J.’s foot and Ned was hanging off of C.J.’s hand.
Sparks came from Grape’s shoes as they slid across the metal until they caught on fire.
Then, the track leaned left, making the group swing in the same direction, landing them in the cart again.
“Fire!” Screamed Grape, staring at his shoes.
Just then, a drop of water fell and put out the fire.
They all felt sick from being upside-down.
Then they saw that Gretchen was still next to them, just 10 feet away, and it looked like she hadn’t had any trouble at all. Just as they were only about 10 feet away from the other side, Gretchen’s cart fell into a hole in her track and, instead of falling into the lava, she landed on a 20-feet long, 10-feet wide, and 3 feet above the lava, metal platform attached to the canyon wall of the side they were trying to get to.
“Darn it!” They heard Gretchen and the pilot-looking guy say, after they jumped out of the cart before it hit the wall and burst to pieces on impact.
Then they got to the other side of the canyon, but they saw that the cart was about to hit a wall, and, unlike Gretchen, they couldn’t jump out because, if they did, they would get their feet burned off in a puddle of lava, because that side of the canyon was covered in them.
Seeing this, Grape jumped in front of the cart, pushed his hands in onto the front of the cart and his feet onto the metal, slowing the cart, stopping it, but making sparks come from his shoes and making them catch on fire again.
“Fire!” He screamed, jumping into a puddle of water.

Then Grape saw that, on a certain part of their track, the whole left side was missing.
“Lean Right!” Screamed Grape.
They all leaned right and the cart was balancing on the right side for about 10 seconds until they got to another part that was full.
C.J. got the map out of her backpack.
“Okay, we’re about to come to a…” She said, “Loop?”
“Loop?” Asked Grape, “How can there be a loop in a mine cart track?”
Just then, chains came out of the railroad and wrapped around the holes in their tires. Then, they saw the kind of loop you see in a roller coaster, except when you were upside-down, instead of twisting again to make you right-side-up, it just turns around so you are going in the same direction, except upside-down.
So they went, and as they went upside-down, they fell out, but Ned was fast enough to catch hold of the edge of the cart with one hand, C.J. was fast enough to grab hold of Ned’s other hand, which was hanging down, and Grape was fast enough to catch hold of C.J.’s foot.
“Don’t worry, guys,” C.J. Said, as the helicopter thing sprouted out of her backpack, but before it started spinning, a stalactite fell and wrecked it.
But at that moment they came across another loop that made them right-side up, now Grape was sliding across the metal with his the ends of his feet put together, since there were no boards, just metal and he was upside-down, Grape was also holding onto
C.J.’s foot and Ned was hanging off of C.J.’s hand.
Sparks came from Grape’s shoes as they slid across the metal until they caught on fire.
Then, the track leaned left, making the group swing in the same direction, landing them in the cart again.
“Fire!” Screamed Grape, staring at his shoes.
Just then, a drop of water fell and put out the fire.
They all felt sick from being upside-down.
Then they saw that Gretchen was still next to them, just 10 feet away, and it looked like she hadn’t had any trouble at all. Just as they were only about 10 feet away from the other side, Gretchen’s cart fell into a hole in her track and, instead of falling into the lava, she landed on a 20-feet long, 10-feet wide, and 3 feet above the lava, metal platform attached to the canyon wall of the side they were trying to get to.
“Darn it!” They heard Gretchen and the pilot-looking guy say, after they jumped out of the cart before it hit the wall and burst to pieces on impact.
Then they got to the other side of the canyon, but they saw that the cart was about to hit a wall, and, unlike Gretchen, they couldn’t jump out because, if they did, they would get their feet burned off in a puddle of lava, because that side of the canyon was covered in them.
Seeing this, Grape jumped in front of the cart, pushed his hands in onto the front of the cart and his feet onto the metal, slowing the cart, stopping it, but making sparks come from his shoes and making them catch on fire again.
“Fire!” He screamed, jumping into a puddle of water.

Then he said, “What kind of Psycho made that track?”
“Whoever put it where it is must really must not want anyone finding it!” Said C.J.
Grape found a door and pushed it open.
“Guys, look what I found,” said Grape.
Through the door was a red, fiery cave. In the middle of it was the ruins of the Legendary Dragon tank.
“Whoa.” Said Ned.
“Ssssshhhhhhh,” said C.J. “I hear someone.”
On the other Side was Gretchen and the pilot guy.
“Hey, look I found something,” Said the pilot guy as he held up a blue, shiny, arrow.
Gretchen snatched it away from him and said, “Could it be? The legendary ice arrow?”
Then she said, “I’d better test it out.” And threw it across the room. The spot it hit froze, but it bounced off and hit a button on the dragon tank. Steam came from its mouth, Its eyes opened and It went RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!”
Gretchen and the pilot guy ran past us and through the door. The door shut itself and when C.J. tried to open it, she said, “It’s locked.”

The dragon tank blew fire at them. Everyone dodged it, but it set Ned’s foot on fire.
“Ow ow ow! Fire!” He yelled. He tripped on the ice arrow and it put out the fire.
He picked up the ice arrow and said, “I wonder,”
Then he heard grape say, “Ned, help!” He turned around to see that the dragon tank had cornered Grape and C.J.
“Hey, stop that!” he yelled as he threw the ice arrow into the dragon tanks mouth. It went down its throat and the dragon tank’s head and neck turned blue. It coughed up the ice arrow and said, “RRRROOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!” It turned around and started going after Ned.
Grape Ran to the dragon tank and started pushing and pulling the lever on its side. The dragon’s mouth opened and closed so rapidly that its jaw was smashing its head. It roared and started going after Grape. C.J. started thinking. She grabbed the ice arrow and looked around at the dragon tank. She saw the spike ball on its tail and thought of a plan. She threw the the ice arrow just the moment the spike ball hit the ground. It worked, and the spike ball was frozen to the ground. When the dragon tank moved forward, it was stopped because there was a chain connecting it and the spike ball. It pushed harder, and harder, and finally the spike ball came out of the ground,but it went flying through the air, and the chain broke. It landed on its neck, and rolled down and started crushing the body. The dragon tank fell on its side.
Everyone gathered around the body and stared at it. It moaned and groaned. Grape turned to C.J. and said, “Give me a hammer.”
C.J gave him a hammer. He started smashing its head until it was just a broken pile of metal and wires. After several minutes, Ned said, “Okay,Let’s get moving!” and the continued walking through the cave.

90 thoughts on “The Return of Binary Bard

  1. I didn’t like the last chapter, so plz replace it with this:
    Then he said, “What kind of Psycho made that track?”
    “Whoever put it where it is must really must not want anyone finding it!” Said C.J.
    Grape found a door and pushed it open.
    “Guys, look what I found,” said Grape.
    Through the door was a red, fiery cave. In the middle of it was the ruins of the Legendary Dragon tank.
    “Whoa.” Said Ned.
    “Ssssshhhhhhh,” said C.J. “I hear someone.”
    On the other Side was Gretchen and the pilot guy.
    “Hey, look I found something,” Said the pilot guy as he held up a blue, shiny, arrow.
    Gretchen snatched it away from him and said, “Could it be? The legendary ice arrow?”
    Then she said, “I’d better test it out.” And threw it across the room. The spot it hit froze, but it bounced off and hit a button on the dragon tank. Steam came from its mouth, Its eyes opened and It went RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!”
    Gretchen and the pilot guy ran past us and through the door. The door shut itself and when C.J. tried to open it, she said, “It’s locked.”
    DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! Hoped you liked the chapter! Once again, Sorry I’ve been gone so long, and plz plz please dont pick up on the story!

  2. Hey Im back! sorry Ive been gone, but I will continue with this! PLease dont start on it cuz I had some ideas!

  3. Pingback: Viewer’s Showcase February 2014 – Poptropica Help Blog (PHB) :: cheats, secrets, walkthroughs

  4. Bad news. My coputer is being hacked by someone, it’ has a bot, all of its files are gonna be lost, and i wont be able to use the internet for a while. I’m typing this on my dsi because the computer lost the internet but the internet on the dsi still works, but its internet is horrible. there are tons of things i can’t do with it, and poptropica is one of them. And afterwards, i have TONS of catching up on schoolwork to do since I go to an online school. And the PTFP barely works at ALL on the dsi, so I won’t be able to read posts or comments or comment myself until the computer fixes itself (we downloaded something for that), and that could be a while. so goodbye for now.

  5. Sorry I haven’t made more in a long time, but these are my excuses:
    1- I recently started club penguin, and I spent 2 days on an EPF mission called “Operation hot sauce” and I’ve been trying to get my mom to get me club penguin membership and switch me to standard safe chat, and also been trying to tip the iceberg.
    2- This chapter is going to be super-long, since it’s going to be a fight with the cauldron-monster.
    3- I’ve been planning out the sequel and the part that gives this story its name.
    4- I would’ve made more today, but today we went to muvico and watched Jurassic park 3d and then went to chili’s for dinner.
    5- I’ve been doing research on poptropica for my story.
    So I hope you’ll be paitent enough to wait!

    • Here is my next part:
      They all hid in separate corners of the room, and the creature went after C.J. first.
      It walked slowly, like Godzilla.
      C.J. took the shrink ray out of her backpack, aimed it at the creature, and charged it, but before she had fired it, the creature opened its gate-mouth and sent a flaming coal out of it like a bullet out of a shotgun, knocking the shrink ray out of her hand, sending it flying through the air and making it land in the creature’s left cauldron-foot.
      Seeing that C.J. was in trouble, Grape took a coal out of a pile of coals and hurled it at the creature.
      The creature turned around after the coal hit it and it pounded its torch-hands against its chest and roared.
      It walked over to Grape and shot a fireball out of its torch-hand at him, but he dodged it.
      Grape grabbed a torch off of the wall and slashed it at the creature’s left tube-leg, hurting the creature.
      “ROOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR!!” roared the creature.
      It walked up to Ned and shot dozens of flaming coals at him like bullets, but Ned dodged all of them, drew his bow, and, “Thwang!” the ice arrow flew through the air and went inside the creature’s gate-mouth, and there was a blue glow from inside the big cauldron.
      “ROOOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!” It roared a roar even more terrifying than the first and second roars combined.
      It walked to the middle of the room and the fires from its torch-hands and cauldron-head became humungous.
      Then it started giving out orange gas, and its left torch-hand came right off the tube, sprouted a new pointy part that was even pointier where the old one used to be, turned around so that the pointy part was pointing toward Ned, and then the fire in it became so big that it could fly, and it flew through the air like a missile at Ned, but he dodged it, and it landed on the ground. Ned strung his bow and there was a “Thwang!” and the ice arrow hit the torch and put out the fire, and the creature was left with one torch-hand.
      “RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!” The creature roared, pounding its torch-hand against its chest.
      Before Ned could do anything, the creature opened its gate-mouth and shot a burning coal at him, missing him, but hitting the ice arrow and its bow, knocking them both out of Ned’s hand, sending them flying through the air, and landing them in the right cauldron-foot.
      Ned and Grape thought they were doomed, but C.J. saw a pail of water on the ground, and she had an idea. She took a piece of paper out of her backpack, put it against the wall, took out a thermometer, threw it up to the ceiling, caught it and looked at the temperature, and took out a calculator and started dialing, then drew scientific pictures on the paper. Then she threw the pail into the air towards the ceiling and in the direction of the creature, it was spinning around and around, but symmetrical force kept it in. It started spinning slower when it got closer to above the creature, and when it was above the creature, it was only a few inches from the ceiling, the water froze and fell out since the pail had stopped spinning and was pointing upside-down, and fell into the cauldron-head, the fire melted the ice, the water put out the fire, and then went out the gate, half the water coming into the right cauldron-leg, the other one coming into the left, knocking out the shrink ray and the ice arrow, landing the shrink ray in C.J.’s hands and the ice bow and arrow into Ned’s hands.
      The fire came back immediately and then C.J. Charged her shrink ray, aimed it at the left cauldron-leg, shot it, and the cauldron shrunk too small for the tube and there was a tiny cauldron on the ground, but a cauldron of the same size as the original sprouted out from the tube. C.J. tried that with all the other parts of the creature, but the same thing happened with all of them. Ned tried getting the arrow inside the gate, but the creature never opened its gate and it started shooting coals out of the top of its cauldron-head instead. C.J. had another idea.
      She shot the shrink ray at the creature’s gate, making it tiny, and then yelled, “Now, Ned!” and without hesitating, Ned shot his arrow at the hole where the gate was before a new one sprouted out. The creature roared its loudest and most terrifying roar yet. The fire from its torch-hand and cauldron-head got gigantic, and the torch-hand did the same as the other one, but when Ned dodged it, instead of coming clattering to the ground, it turned in the direction of Ned and when he dodged it again, it did the same, so Ned ran, but dropped the ice arrow. The torch-missile kept following him, and it ended with Ned grabbing onto the top of the cauldron and using it to do a flip over the cauldron that looked like an upside-down swing since his hands were still on the edge of the cauldron when he did the flip, the torch following him and hitting the inside of the cauldron-head, and the tubes burst to pieces, the cauldrons went flying through the air in different directions, the coals were no longer on fire, and they flew through the air, hitting the ceiling and bouncing off, making it so the group had to cover their heads to not get hit by coals, and the gate fell off of the cauldron.
      “That was a great idea with the pail of water!” Ned and Grape told C.J.
      “Thank you!” Said C.J.

      • And for any people who like cloudy with a chance of meatballs, I’ve got good news! They are releasing a CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 this September! As soon as I saw the trailer in the movie theater, I thought I was hallucinating! I had seen the trailer before on YouTube, and I only saw the end of the trailer, but I still remembered it! Look it up on Google and read the Wikipedia page and watch the trailer if you have seen and like the original! It is also called, “Cloudy 2: revenge of the leftovers.”

  6. Then he said, “What kind of psycho made that track?!”
    “Okay, the map says we need to take a doorway right here,” said C.J., walking up to a doorway in the wall.
    They went through the doorway to a room in the shape of a dome, with a floor, walls, and ceiling that all made of blue stone, but the torches on the wall made it so the floor and walls looked orange, the only part of the room where you could see that it was actually blue was the ceiling, and it was 30 feet tall.
    There were three witches’ cauldrons; two of them were 3 feet tall, 3 feet wide, and on top of circle-shaped, two-inch tall and stone buttons, made big enough to fit the cauldrons onto them, and both were either on the middle of the left side of the room, and the other cauldron was 5 feet tall, 5 inches wide, was not on a button, was in the middle of the room, and had a gate-shaped, 2 foot tall and 1 foot tall hole that had a miniature gate in it that was the same size.
    As they walked in, they realized that it was hot inside.
    “Geez, it’s hot in here!” Exclaimed Ned, wiping sweat off his forehead.
    “It’s not as hot as shoes on fire,” Grape said, looking at his shoes, which were still black and smoking from the 2 times they had caught on fire.
    As they walked around the cauldrons, they saw a button identical to both the others, except big enough for the biggest cauldron. They also saw a set of stairs that was 7 feet wide and went up 4 feet, to lead to a gate with a tunnel behind it of the same shape and size, which was 10 feet tall and just as wide as the stairs.
    The group walked up to the gate and tried to open it, but no matter how much they tugged and pulled, they could not budge it.
    “Okay, why isn’t it budging?” Grape asked C.J.
    “I dunno,” she said, “ Doesn’t say on here. Maybe we should put the cauldron on the button?”
    Just as they were walking up to the big cauldron, Ned exclaimed, “What’s that over there?!” as he pointed to a blue, glowing object on a shelf.

    • The group walked over to it, Ned running, and when he saw it clearly enough to figure out what it was, he said, “Finders keepers! I call dibbs on it!” as he picked it up.
      “What is it?” Grape asked.
      Ned turned around to show them the object, which was a blue, glowing bow and arrow made of ice. “It’s the ice arrow,” Ned said, “Said to be what a mysterious knight used thousands of years ago to save the princess from the binary bard, and to be made by the binary bard himself along with other weapons of Arturus, and they were lost on distant planets but were returned to earth, but then lost again. They freeze anything they hit.”
      “Oh, I’ve heard of it,” Said C.J. “I’ve heard that when you use the arrow, a new one sprouts out of the bow.”
      “Well, let’s try it out!” Said Grape.
      Ned strung the arrow into his bow and aimed it at the big cauldron, let go, and there was a “Thwang!” and they saw the ice arrow zoom towards the cauldron and then they saw the arrow wrap around the miniature gate and then the miniature gate was covered in ice, and then, a new arrow sprouted out of the bow.
      “Wow, that ice arrow is amazing, and you’re pretty good with it!” said Grape.
      “Well, let’s put that cauldron on the button,” Said C.J.
      They walked over to the cauldron, Ned and Grape still admiring the ice arrow.
      C.J. tried to pick up the cauldron, but it was no use.
      “Guys, I’m gonna need some help,” She said.
      They walked over to help C.J., but even with all three of them lifting it, they could only get it a few inches off the ground. They started walking over to the button, and put it on the button, and they saw that the cauldron was full of coal.
      They saw the gate open, so they ran over to it, but as they were about to enter, the gate closed again.
      “Huh?” They all asked.
      Then they saw that from the top of the doorway they had come through, had sprouted one of those gates that go up and down from the top of it.
      “What’s going on?!” Exclaimed Grape.
      Then they saw the coal inside the big cauldron catch on fire, and then a one-inch wide, silver, bendable, metal tube sprout out of both sides of the cauldron, near the bottom, and both of them stretched over to the smaller cauldron closest to them and attached to the bottom of the inside, brought the cauldrons to the big one, then the big cauldron used the smaller cauldrons and the tubes to lift itself up, like legs. The big cauldron was now one foot above both the smaller cauldron and it had one smaller cauldron for the right and the left, both one foot to the right or left of the big cauldron. Then they saw a tube identical to the ones below sprout from each side of the cauldron, near the top, and the tubes were only 3 inches long. Then they saw 2 of the torches start vibrating. Each torch was on fire, and looked like a black, metal, one foot long ice cream cone.
      Then the pointy part of the two torches that were vibrating fell off, and then, from the holes the left behind, came a huge fire, big enough to lift them into the air, so they flew through the air and each one of them flew towards one of the tubes, then turned around and attached where the pointy part used to be to the tube they had flown to, representing arms, and the tubes and cauldrons representing legs. The ice that was on the mini-gate melted in a split 3 seconds.
      It opened the miniature gate to represent a mouth and roared the most terrifying roar in the world, while pounding its torch-hands against the area of the big cauldron that was under the gate, to represent a gorilla. It was a monster made of cauldrons, torches, flames, and tubes.
      The group gulped.

  7. Next part:
    Then Grape saw that, on a certain part of their track, the whole left side was missing.
    “Lean Right!” Screamed Grape.
    They all leaned right and the cart was balancing on the right side for about 10 seconds until they got to another part that was full.
    C.J. got the map out of her backpack.
    “Okay, we’re about to come to a…” She said, “Loop?”
    “Loop?” Asked Grape, “How can there be a loop in a mine cart track?”
    Just then, chains came out of the railroad and wrapped around the holes in their tires. Then, they saw the kind of loop you see in a roller coaster, except when you were upside-down, instead of twisting again to make you right-side-up, it just turns around so you are going in the same direction, except upside-down.
    So they went, and as they went upside-down, they fell out, but Ned was fast enough to catch hold of the edge of the cart with one hand, C.J. was fast enough to grab hold of Ned’s other hand, which was hanging down, and Grape was fast enough to catch hold of C.J.’s foot.
    “Don’t worry, guys,” C.J. Said, as the helicopter thing sprouted out of her backpack, but before it started spinning, a stalactite fell and wrecked it.
    But at that moment they came across another loop that made them right-side up, now Grape was sliding across the metal with his the ends of his feet put together, since there were no boards, just metal and he was upside-down, Grape was also holding onto
    C.J.’s foot and Ned was hanging off of C.J.’s hand.
    Sparks came from Grape’s shoes as they slid across the metal until they caught on fire.
    Then, the track leaned left, making the group swing in the same direction, landing them in the cart again.
    “Fire!” Screamed Grape, staring at his shoes.
    Just then, a drop of water fell and put out the fire.
    They all felt sick from being upside-down.
    Then they saw that Gretchen was still next to them, just 10 feet away, and it looked like she hadn’t had any trouble at all. Just as they were only about 10 feet away from the other side, Gretchen’s cart fell into a hole in her track and, instead of falling into the lava, she landed on a 20-feet long, 10-feet wide, and 3 feet above the lava, metal platform attached to the canyon wall of the side they were trying to get to.
    “Darn it!” They heard Gretchen and the pilot-looking guy say, after they jumped out of the cart before it hit the wall and burst to pieces on impact.
    Then they got to the other side of the canyon, but they saw that the cart was about to hit a wall, and, unlike Gretchen, they couldn’t jump out because, if they did, they would get their feet burned off in a puddle of lava, because that side of the canyon was covered in them.
    Seeing this, Grape jumped in front of the cart, pushed his hands in onto the front of the cart and his feet onto the metal, slowing the cart, stopping it, but making sparks come from his shoes and making them catch on fire again.
    “Fire!” He screamed, jumping into a puddle of water.

  8. Hello, and if you are reading this, you have no life! Just kidding! 😆 Anyway, here is the next part:
    “Hm?” Gretchen asked, turning around, and they saw that she had a pilot-looking guy with her.
    “Hey! What are you doing here?” Asked Grimlock.
    “Um…” Said Grape, “We’re here to apply for a job here… Do you know where we can apply?”
    “Yeah, just take the tunnel to the left,” Said the pilot-looking guy.
    So they went to the tunnel to the left and hid right next to the entrance.
    “What was that?” asked Ned.
    “She must’ve not known that we had the map, so I made sure she didn’t suspect us,” answered Grape.
    “Good idea,” said C.J.
    “Okay, now we need to catch up or she’ll get the jewel first,” Said Ned.
    “Yeah, if we stay in the darkness and perfectly silent, then she won’t notice us,” Said C.J.
    “Okay, let me open up the map…” Said Ned.
    “Why? We can just follow her,” Said C.J.
    So they went down the other path, keeping silent and in the shadows, and they heard Grimlock and the pilot-looking guy talking to each other.
    “That was close! They might’ve followed us to the jewel!” Said a voice they recognized to be the pilot-looking guy.
    “Yes, good thing they were just looking for a job, but why did they say my name like that?” That was Grimlock.
    “I dunno. Why are you asking me?” said the Pilot-looking guy.
    “Meh,” Said Gretchen.
    Ned stepped on a rock accidently and that made a loud cracking noise.
    “Who goes there?!” exclaimed Gretchen, turning around and shining her flashlight on them. Grimlock saw the map hanging out of Ned’s pocket.
    “You’re the ones who stole the map!” Exclaimed Grimlock angrily.
    “How did you know the map was stolen?!” asked Ned.
    “The security guards told us,” said the pilot-looking guy.
    “GET THEM AND GET THE MAP!!” screamed Gretchen.
    The group ran past Gretchen and the pilot-looking guy and saw 2 empty mine carts on railroad tracks that start on ground and then after about 3 feet go of a canyon that is 215 feet long, 100 feet deep, and 65 feet wide, and both tracks are right next to each other. They pushed the cart on the left onto the track and hopped in, the cart started moving on the track, and Grimlock and the Pilot-looking guy hopped into the other one. But then they realized something about the canyon. After about 10 feet deep, it was filled with hot, boiling, lava.

    • Okay, guys, do you think I should write a sequel to this when I’m finished? Or how about multiple sequels? While I’m at it, I think I’ll write a sequel-to-this crossover for every poptropica ad of the past, but forget about it later and never make any sequels of anything that include that? What do you think of that? Please answer!

      • What do you mean about, “While I’m at it, I think I’ll write a sequel-to-this crossover for every Poptropica ad of the past, but forget about it later and never make any sequels of anything that include that?” 😕 Awesome, again, and yes, sequels!!! :mrgreen:

      • I mean, it will be related to this, like taking place afterwards and the whole story/episode/whatever, but the characters from here got into the story somehow, but since not everyone has seen the same thing, I will only make that one for people who have seen it and not make a sequel, but maybe make a page for it. Understand? Also, the sequel to this, I have started to plan it out, and a LOT of stuff you won’t expect, like how Grape is gonna… wait, I can’t tell you.

      • Oops I meant to type, “I mean, it will be related to this, like taking place afterwards and the whole story/episode/whatever of it will take place, but the characters from here got into the story somehow, but since not everyone has seen the same thing, I will only make that one for people who have seen it and not make a sequel, but maybe make a page for it. Understand? Also, the sequel to this, I have started to plan it out, and a LOT of stuff you won’t expect, like how Grape is gonna… wait, I can’t tell you.”
        Anyway, Did you the the joke I made in the most recent chapter?

      • Again?! I keep forgetting to type certain words, put an “Is” Between the “It and the “Will”

      • I mean the other “It will,” The one after “story/episode/whatever of,” except take out the “Of”

      • Meh. Whatever. Anyway, What do you think of the ads thing I just made up? I’ve already started to plan out the cloudy with a chance of meatballs ad!

  9. Pingback: “The Return of Binary Bard” | Poptropica Tips For Poptropicans

  10. Oh, and, If you think it is one of those hand-held cameras, then you’re wrong. It looks just like one of the security cameras you see at stores, except camouflage. Also, I’d like someone to answer my question! Please? If you don’t I’ll shrink you with C.J.’s shrink ray! 😈

  11. They crawled into the window and saw thousands of lasers everywhere.
    C.J. took a shrink ray out of her backpack and shot a wire on one of the lasers, and just as she said, all the lasers went out.
    They went inside and took the map off the conveyor belt.
    “Who goes there?” said someone.
    They looked around, but did not see anyone. Then they saw a light in the darkness, and they saw that the light came from a security guard-looking guy with a helmet who was muscular and had a flashlight.
    “Get ‘em!” He said then they saw more people who looked just like him. Then they all ran at Ned, C.J., and Grape.
    “Shrink them! They can’t hurt us if they’re tiny!” Ned told C.J.
    As C.J. was turning on her shrink ray, one of the security guards threw a rock at the shrink ray, knocking it out of her hand.
    “RUN!” Said C.J. As they were about to climb out the window, Grape said, “Wait! We forgot the map!” They looked around to see the map lying on the floor behind the security guards.
    “What do we do? We can’t get around the guards!” Said Ned.
    “Don’t worry, I have a plan,” Said C.J.
    C.J. took a remote control with a screen out of her backpack and started pushing buttons and pulling switches until they saw that the camera that Ned had put in a potted plant had sprouted wheels and driven over to the map.
    “You’re a genius!” Said Ned and Grape together.
    C.J. ignored them and kept pushing buttons.
    The camera sprouted a tube that could bend and had two flat, one inch long fingers on the end from the top of the camera.
    It bent the tube over to the map and used the fingers to pick up the map and go, very slowly, under the guards’ legs.
    “Hey, that thing’s getting away with the map!” said one of the guards. “Get it!”
    The guards ran after the camera, but then the camera went on high speed and went to the window, and a spring sprung out of the bottom of the camera and it bounced out the window, and then an uncapped grenade came out of the window. “It’s gonna blow!” said Grape.
    C.J. rolled her eyes and gave them some hazmat helmets and said, “Put these on.”
    So Ned, C.J. and Grape put on the Hazmat helmets, and instead of the grenade blowing up, a green and purple smoke came from it, and when it cleared, the guards were asleep.
    “You can take the helmets off now,” said C.J., taking her own off.
    So Ned and Grape took off their helmets and Ned asked C.J., “How did you do that?”
    “Sleep gas,” She answered.
    So they crawled out of the window and climbed down the rope, and C.J. used the remote to make the camera let go of the map, she turned the camera off, and put it and the remote in her backpack. Then they took the map to The comic shop and opened it up.
    Okay, Now I need you guys to give me advice. Where should the quest for the jewel begin? I already have an Idea, but I wanna know if anyone else has a better idea!

      • Okay, here is the next part:
        “Okay, it says here that we have to go to… someplace called Nabooti Island,” said C.J.
        “Nabooti Island?” asked Grape. “I’ve been there once,”
        “Well, let’s go!” Said Ned.
        So they got in the blimp and headed to Nabooti Island.
        “Okay, now, it wants us to go to some diamond mine,” Said C.J.
        They saw a man at a plane who was yelling, “Free plane rides! Fly anywhere, from the sphinx to the diamond mine!”
        “Hey, that sounds like it could get us to the diamond mine!” Said Grape.
        So they went over to the guy and C.J. said, “Can you take us to the diamond mine?”
        “Yep,” He answered.
        So they got in the plane and the man flew to the diamond mine and they got out, and when they were about to enter the mine, someone said, “Sorry, You need to have a hard hat to enter,”
        “Well, what do we do now?” Asked C.J.
        “Well, I’ve been to this mine before, and it has a second entrance, too,” Answered Grape.
        “You do? Where?” asked Ned.
        “At the top of that cliff,” Grape said pointing to the cliff that the entrance of the mine that they were at.
        “How do we get up there?” Asked Ned.
        “I’ve got a plan,” Said C.J.
        She took a remote out of her back pack, and pressed a button, and the thing you see on top of a helicopter sprouted out of her backpack, first as a black stick, but two pieces flipped down and started spinning, until she was hovering 2 feet off the ground.
        “Grab on,” said C.J., as she put out both her hands.
        So Ned and Grape both grabbed one of her hands and they flew to the top of the cliff and Grape said, “You really are prepared for anything,”
        They saw a conveyor belt leading carts of explosives into the mine.
        “That’s the entrance,” Said Grape.
        They went inside and saw a silhouette of someone who looked familiar.
        “Hello? Who’s there?” Asked Ned.
        C.J. took a flashlight and shone it on the silhouette and saw who it was.
        “Grimlock?!” exclaimed Grape

  12. Next part:
    The next day…
    Grape, Ned, and C.J. were at the cryptids island auction house waiting for Grimlock to win the maps.
    The auctioneer was talking fast the whole time, and this is how it went:
    “Okay, Okay! The price starts at 50,000 dollars, anyone got 50,000 dollars?”
    “50,000!” Said someone in the crowd.
    “70,000!” Said Grimlock.
    “70,000, going once, going twice, going-” said the auctioneer until he was interrupted.
    “100,000!” Said someone else.
    “300,000!” said Gretchen.
    “500,000!” Said somebody else.
    “800,000!” Said Gretchen.
    “1 Million!” Said someone else.
    Gretchen looked annoyed. “700 Million!” She yelled.
    Everyone in the room gasped.
    “1 Billion!” Somebody else yelled.
    “400 Billion!” Yelled Gretchen.
    “450 Billion!” Yelled someone else.
    Now Grimlock looked really angry. If being annoyed could kill, then everyone in Poptropica would be dead.
    “950 Trillion!!!” Screamed Gretchen.
    Everybody, including the auctioneer, gasped and there was complete silence, so quiet that you could hear the flutter of butterfly’s wings, until the auctioneer said, “950 Trillion, going once, going twice, going three times, and, SOLD! To Gretchen Grimlock!”
    So Gretchen gave the auctioneer about 300 suitcases full of money and left with the two maps, not knowing that C.J., Grape, and Ned were following her.
    That Night…
    “So how long have we got left?” Ned asked C.J.
    “We have…” Said C.J. She looked at her cell phone. “About 45 minutes.”
    They were outside the apartment where Grimlock lived.
    “Oh, bad news, guys,” Said C.J. “Gretchen doesn’t have a fireplace. I thought this was an apartment that has a chimney. We’re gonna need a new plan.”

  13. Thanks for making this page! I’ll make more tommorow!
    Where do I comment the other parts of the story?

      • Okay, well here is the next part (Sorry if it is too short, but I just woke up.):
        Ned rang the bell on the counter.
        “Hello, how can I help you?” asked the person behind the counter.
        “I’m here to apply for room service,” Ned answered.
        “Oh, good, Gretchen Grimlock needs you to deliver her some lunch,” The person behind the counter said as he handed Ned a lunch box. “She lives on room 4, floor 6. So Ned took the elevator up to floor 6 and walked to room 4 and knocked on the door.
        “Room service!” He said.
        “Finally!” Gretchen responded.
        So Ned went in and put the lunchbox on a table, and while Gretchen wasn’t looking, he put a camouflage camera in a potted plant. So he left the room and went back to the ground floor and told the person behind the counter, “I quit.”
        “You quit? But you haven’t even served 2 people!”
        “I know,” He answered.
        So Ned went outside to meet Grape and C.J. waiting for him.
        “So… what do we do now?” Ned asked.
        “We wait till tomorrow’s auction, I guess,” Said C.J.
        So there it is! Like I said, please tell me any suggestions for the story!

      • Next part:
        Next part:
        The next day…
        Grape, Ned, and C.J. were at the cryptids island auction house waiting for Grimlock to win the maps.
        The auctioneer was talking fast the whole time, and this is how it went:
        “Okay, Okay! The price starts at 50,000 dollars, anyone got 50,000 dollars?”
        “50,000!” Said someone in the crowd.
        “70,000!” Said Grimlock.
        “70,000, going once, going twice, going-” said the auctioneer until he was interrupted.
        “100,000!” Said someone else.
        “300,000!” said Gretchen.
        “500,000!” Said somebody else.
        “800,000!” Said Gretchen.
        “1 Million!” Said someone else.
        Gretchen looked annoyed. “700 Million!” She yelled.
        Everyone in the room gasped.
        “1 Billion!” Somebody else yelled.
        “400 Billion!” Yelled Gretchen.
        “450 Billion!” Yelled someone else.
        Now Grimlock looked really angry. If being annoyed could kill, then everyone in Poptropica would be dead.
        “950 Trillion!!!” Screamed Gretchen.
        Everybody, including the auctioneer, gasped and there was complete silence, so quiet that you could hear the flutter of butterfly’s wings, until the auctioneer said, “950 Trillion, going once, going twice, going three times, and, SOLD! To Gretchen Grimlock!”
        So Gretchen gave the auctioneer about 300 suitcases full of money and left with the two maps, not knowing that C.J., Grape, and Ned were following her.
        That Night…
        “So how long have we got left?” Ned asked C.J.
        “We have…” Said C.J. She looked at her cell phone. “About 45 minutes.”
        They were outside the apartment where Grimlock lived.
        “Oh, bad news, guys,” Said C.J. “Gretchen doesn’t have a fireplace. I thought this was an apartment that has a chimney. We’re gonna need a new plan.”

      • Here is the next part:
        Then they saw the people who worked there leave at that moment.
        “Sorry, if you want to come in, you’ll have to come in tomorrow,” Said someone.
        “And there goes our last chance to even GET to the top in the first place,” Said Grape.
        Then, as the janitor walked out, he said, “I need to use the bathroom!” and he put down his toilet plunger and walked into a port-a-potty.
        Then Grape saw a b-b gun lying on the ground. He had an idea.
        “C.J…” He said, “Do you have your toolbox with you?”
        “I never leave home without it,” Said C.J. as she took a toolbox out of her backpack and handed it to Grape. Grape started taking parts out of the BB gun and replaced them with new ones, and then he asked, “Can I borrow that rope?”
        “Sure,” Said Ned as he handed Grape the rope from their original plan.
        Grape picked up the toilet plunger and tied the rope to it. Then he tied the other end of the rope to something inside the BB gun, and then he stuffed the toilet plunger into the BB gun, and pointed it at the apartment.
        “Which room?” He asked Ned.
        “Room 4, floor 6,” Said Ned.
        Grape looked around for a window labeled “Room 4, Floor 6.” When he found it, He shot the toilet plunger right next to the window.
        “Good idea!” Ned and C.J. said together.
        “Let’s get climbing,” said Grape.
        So they started climbing the rope until they were right next to the window.
        “Okay, so how do we get in? The window’s locked,” Said C.J.
        Ned saw a paper clip on the window ledge.
        “I have an idea…” Said Ned. He was the only one who knew how to pick locks, so he picked up the paper clip and got ready to pick a lock, only to see that the lock was part of the window and had 3 holes in it, each of them next to another of the 3 holes. “Um…” He said. He picked the hole on the left. When he was finished picking it, the window fell right out of the hole in the wall, nearly hitting the port-a-potty.
        “I don’t think that was the correct hole,” said Ned.
        “You think?” Grape said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Time to talk with other Poptropicans, Poptropican! :)